Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day one

Well, Hello Everyone!

This is, I hope, going to become the main Blog for my website :

I already have a blog on the neitsg website, but discovered that nobody (including myself) is using it. If this blog works, I plan on deleting the one I have on the website.
One of the problems I have with the neitsg website is that it is hosted with a provider that is very restrictive of the content that gets posted.
With this being used for it's Blog that should no longer be a problem.
Transgenderism necessarily includes sexuality and this sort of topic can be freely explored with this Blog.
I can also post info that I have on other Adult Content Blogs that I have.

So there it is.
I will keep you updated to changes on my websites and my life as they occur.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering...I'm a male admirer and I'm trying to get into the local transgendered dating scene here in Fort Wayne...just looking to make some friends. I came out to a few friends of mine last summer, but I'm really wanting to find a there any advice or tips you c an give me as to where I should go or what dating websites I could go to...I don't have money to pay for the dating sites. I'm 29...and I just need to find someone I am compatible with :) Here's my email

Meagan said...

Hi, My name is Meagan and I am beginning my transition. I received my letter for hormones from my Doctor in England, but I can't find a TG friendly Endocrinologist here in Fort Wayne. Can you help me with finding one? Thanks, Meagan

Unknown said...

Hi Lady - so glad I found you and this blog. Been looking for something TG in this area and haven't had much luck. I'm in Lagrange. Thought there was an organization in Kendallville but I couldn't confirm. On blogs...Google has a nice blog system that's easy to work and I doubt they are restrictive at all. Try if that isn't right, it'll pass you in the right direction.